Projektor Panasonic PT-FRQ50B

Projektor Panasonic PT-FRQ50B


5,200 lm PT-FRQ50 1-Chip DLP™ 4K Projector Delivers Smooth, Detailed Images for an Insightful Visual Experience


Smooth and Detailed
4K Image Quality

Quad Pixel Drive creates sharp, detailed 4K images with Rich Color Enhancer achieving vivid, accurate color. High-speed processing supports 240 Hz/1080p frame rates with latency of 8 ms or less4 for smooth, grid-less images.


Flexible, Simple to Use,
and Easy to Integrate

V/H Lens-Shift and 2.0x zoom enhance installation flexibility while two CEC-compatible HDMI® inputs and DIGITAL LINK integrate into 4K infrastructure. Preactivated upgrade kits for Geo Pro5 and Remote Preview Lite6 secure an effortless 4K experience.


Highly Reliable Low-
Maintenance Projection

Filterless heat-pipe-based cooling and hermetically sealed optical block support 20,000-hour7 maintenance-free projection. Optional Early Warning8 functions streamline management and enhance reliability in museums, classrooms, and offices.

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