Projektor Panasonic PT-FRQ60W

Projektor Panasonic PT-FRQ60W


Smooth and Detailed
4K Image Quality

Quad Pixel Drive creates sharp, detailed 4K images with Rich Color Enhancer achieving vivid, accurate color. High-speed processing supports 240 Hz/1080p frame rates with latency of 8 ms or less4 for smooth, grid-less images.


Flexible, Simple to Use,
and Easy to Integrate

V/H Lens-Shift and 2.0x zoom enhance installation flexibility while two CEC-compatible HDMI® inputs and DIGITAL LINK integrate into 4K infrastructure. Preactivated upgrade kits for Geo Pro5 and Remote Preview Lite6 secure an effortless 4K experience.


Highly Reliable Low-
Maintenance Projection

Filterless heat-pipe-based cooling and hermetically sealed optical block support 20,000-hour7 maintenance-free projection. Optional Early Warning8 functions streamline management and enhance reliability in museums, classrooms, and offices.

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