Konwerter Biamp BUZZSTOP-MKIII


Universal signal convertor & ground isolator

The Apart BUZZSTOP-MKIII is a universal input adaptor that can be used for all connections and extensions. The input level selector allows you to convert any amplifier output to any line-level output, balanced or unbalanced. (E.g.: You can convert a 100V loudspeaker signal into a balanced or unbalanced line level signal). The BUZZSTOP-MKIII also makes it possible to convert an unbalanced signal into balanced and vice versa.

A 19” adaptor set is available. This way it is possible to mount 2 BUZZSTOP-MKIII in a 19” rack. (REF: BUZZ-19)

Often the BUZZSTOP-MKIII is used to solve humm and buzz problems via the build-in audio transformer. This can be a perfect way to avoid ground loops.

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