System do produkcji wideo na żywo Epiphan Pearl-2

System do produkcji wideo na żywo Epiphan Pearl-2


The easiest solution for 4K* streaming, recording, and switching

Pearl-2™ brings the pro features and processing power required for the most demanding live events including 4K streaming and recording, live switching, NDI support, and chroma keying. Add Epiphan Cloud and you can control Pearl-2 from anywhere to produce broadcast-quality content from a distance.

*Requires the 4K feature add-on

Reach viewers everywhere

Simultaneously live stream to YouTube, Facebook, and other content delivery networks and content management systems using SRT, HLS, custom RTMP/RTMPS, and RTSP. At the same time, use the built-in streaming server to stream locally to web browsers, smart TVs, and set-top boxes.Deep integration with Kaltura, Panopto, and YuJa video platforms means no complicated stream URLs to set up. Just schedule your webcast events or start streaming right from Pearl-2’s built-in touch screen.

Share your webcasts

Locally share unicast or multicast streams to up to 50 viewers with popular streaming protocols like HTTP, HLS, FLV, ASF, and SAP.

Stream securely

Use SRT end-to-end 256-bit AES encryption, HLS, or RTMPS for secure content streaming.

Versatile connectivity with NDI and SRT

Pearl-2 empowers owners to take advantage of networked inputs both on-site and around the world.

NDI® and NDI|HX for network video production

Pearl-2 supports High Bandwidth NDI with alpha channels and NDI|HX for broadcast-quality video with low-latency over Gigabit Ethernet networks. No extra HDMI or SDI cables are required. The system accepts video and audio from a wide variety of NDI-enabled devices and cameras, and it’s just as easy to share the output from Pearl-2 with other NDI devices on the network.

Optimized video transport over any network with SRT

Securely add sources and stream content across public Internet while maintaining professional-quality regardless of network conditions. Ideal for bringing remote feeds into your production.

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